The 5th Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference
“Adapting Sustainability Strategies in Business and Management”
August 21st – 23rd, 2024 Hybrid Conference
The Asia Pacific Research Management Conference (APMRC) is an annual activity organized by the PPM School of Management, this year the conference hosted by PPM School of Management (Indonesia), Widya Dharma Pontianak Univeristy (Indonesia), Panca Bhakti Univeristy (Indonesia) and Hanoi University of Science and Technology – School of Economics and Management (Vietnam). Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia. This year marks the 5th international conference held hybrid (offline venue will be held in Indonesia), on August 21st – 23rd, 2024.
We would like to invite you to be a part of the 5th APMRC and submit your research papers for presentation consideration. Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia.
August 21, 2024 – August 23, 2024WELCOME TO THE 5th APMRC 2024 !!!
“Adapting Sustainability Strategies in Business and Management”
August 21st – 23rd, 2024 Hybrid Conference
The Asia Pacific Research Management Conference (APMRC) is an annual activity organized by the PPM School of Management, this year the conference hosted by PPM School of Management (Indonesia), Widya Dharma Pontianak Univeristy (Indonesia), Panca Bhakti Univeristy (Indonesia) and Hanoi University of Science and Technology – School of Economics and Management (Vietnam). Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia. This year marks the 5th international conference held hybrid (offline venue will be held in Indonesia), on August 21st – 23rd, 2024.
We would like to invite you to be a part of the 5th APMRC and submit your research papers for presentation consideration. Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia.
The aim of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC) is to provide a forum for academics and professionals to share research findings, experiences, and knowledge for growth and sustainability in Asia-Pacific. Papers presented at the conference may be considered for publication in the selected journals after a peer-review by the conference committee and high quality will go to an official double-blind peer-reviewed process by the journal.
Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen XII
“Optimalisasi ekonomi sirkular sebagai langkah menuju transformasi ekonomi yang berkelanjutan” 3-5 Oktober 2023 SELAMAT DATANG DI KNRM XII !!! Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen (KNRM) adalah konferensi riset skala nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM yang merupakan wadah para peneliti dan praktisi untuk menyampaikan hasil temuan dan pemikiran yang perlu diketahui oleh para profesional, praktisi dan akademisi untuk mengembangkan ilmu manajemen itu sendiri. KNRM XII akan diselenggarakan secara hybrid (Online session available). Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 3 (tiga) hari, yakni:
Tempat : Kampus Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata Semarang
Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen XII
October 3, 2023 – October 5, 2023SELAMAT DATANG DI KNRM XII !!!
Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen (KNRM) adalah konferensi riset skala nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM yang merupakan wadah para peneliti dan praktisi untuk menyampaikan hasil temuan dan pemikiran yang perlu diketahui oleh para profesional, praktisi dan akademisi untuk mengembangkan ilmu manajemen itu sendiri.
KNRM ini merupakan Konferensi Riset yang diselenggarakan ke-12 kali-nya oleh Research Center and Case Clearing House (RC-CCH) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. Penyelenggaraan KNRM terus mengalami perkembangan dari tahun ke tahun, baik dalam hal konsep rangkaian kegiatan, kategori penilaian paper, hingga fasilitas yang diberikan kepada peserta. Pada beberapa kali kesempatan PPM SoM menyelenggarakan KNRM tanpa mitra penyelenggara, dengan tempat penyelenggaraan di Jakarta. Namun PPM SoM juga telah beberapa kali bermitra dengan institusi lain, diantaranya adalah dengan Universitas Hasanuddin (tahun 2007), Universitas Parahyangan (tahun 2009), Universitas Sam Ratulangi (tahun 2011), Universitas Sriwijaya (tahun 2013), Universitas Udayana (tahun 2014), Universitas Brawijaya (tahun 2015), dan Universitas Mataram (2016)
The 4th Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference
“Survive or die: The Way Businesses Respond to Covid 19's Crushing Blow” May 18th – 20th, 2022 WELCOME TO THE 4th APMRC 2022 !!! PPM School of Management (Indonesia), Hanoi University of Science and Technology - School of Economics and Management (Vietnam), and Department of Business Administration - Asia University, (Taiwan) will organize The 4th Asia-Pacific Research Management Conference (APMRC) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Online session available), on May 18th – 20th , 2022. We would like to invite you to be a part of The 4th APMRC and submit your research papers for presentation consideration. Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia.
Asia Pacific Management Research Conference
May 18, 2022 – May 20, 2022WELCOME TO THE 4th APMRC 2022 !!!
“Survive or die: The Way Businesses Respond to Covid 19's Crushing Blow”
PPM School of Management (Indonesia), Hanoi University of Science and Technology - School of Economics and Management (Vietnam), Department of Business Administration - Asia University (Taiwan), and Widya Mandala Catholic University (Indonesia) will organize The 4th Asia-Pacific Research Management Conference (APMRC) in Surabaya, Indonesia (Online session available), on May 18th – 20th , 2022. We would like to invite you to be a part of The 4th APMRC and submit your research papers for presentation consideration. Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia.The aim of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC) is to provide a forum for academics and professionals to share research findings, experiences, and knowledge for growth and sustainability in Asia-Pacific. Papers presented at the conference may be considered for publication in the selected journals after a peer-review by the conference committee and high quality will go to an official double-blind peer-reviewed process by the journal.

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Research Center & Case Clearing House PPM School of Management © 2024